~ Abraham Lincoln
Divinipotent Daily is fascinated by science and finds it thrilling (I know, cheap thrills) that the Internet offers an ever-expanding buffet of science blogs. At this point, there is so much to read, it's difficult to decide what to read next. That's why I was excited to learn that the organization Research Blogging has selected a few of the best science blogs as winners of its 2010 awards.
Let's focus on the winners in two categories: Best Lay-Level Blog (which refers not to horizontal blogging but to writing for lay people — meaning non-scientists like me and probably you) and Best Blog of the Year. And the winners are...one and the same person: British Science Writer Ed Yong, who more or less in his spare time writes a blog called Not Exactly Rocket Science. So let's see what Mr. Yong has been writing about.
The winning post in the Best Lay-Level Blog category has an unusual title, "Ballistic penises and corkscrew vaginas — the sexual battles of ducks." And that title describes, with complete accuracy, the subject of the blog. You know you're curious, but be forewarned: the post includes videos that would be rated XXX by a duck censor.

Congratulations, Mr. Yong. I look forward to learning more from your blog.
“I'll take any trophy. I don't care what it says on it.”
~ Mary-Louise Parker
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